Yoga Through The Ages....

Yoga is for everyone! All you need to do is tailor it to suit you and your needs. Your babys yoga journey can start when they are in the womb by attending Pregnancy Yoga classes for on the Mat practice and/or a hypno birthing class and/or Little Lotus Baby Blooming Mamas Pregnancy Class.
The earlier you can start your practice the better.....however it is never ever too late for you and/or your child to get introduced to Yoga and all its magic!
Lets explore Yoga Through The Ages with Little Lotus Baby.........................
New Born Yoga: Birth – 12 weeks
This needs to be very gentle and its main aim is for bonding through eye contact, touch and aiding with wind/colic. *Ensure that you have 1:1 guidance on this or you have attended a Little Lotus Baby: Blooming Mama Course. This is designed to help you to bond with your baby during pregnancy & teach you new born techniques for when you take baby home.
Baby Yoga: 12 weeks+
Once babies are able to hold their heads confidently we are able to progress to explore dips, lifts, swings and lots of exciting yoga. The aim is to encourage brain & body communications and development. Relaxation and bonding is still very much at the core of Baby Yoga and you will learn ways to aid your growing baby as their digestive system gets used to new foods.
Tots Yoga: Crawling +
This is for when your baby transitions from being stationary to crawling. You can continue to explore 'Baby Yoga' at this stage but there are a few modifications that can aid you in your practice. Why not explore a LLB workshop.
Toddler Yoga 2+
Toddler Yoga continues with parent & child engagement exploring Yoga together through story & adventure. Toddlers are able to begin their exploration of mindful breath & silly silence through fun & games. Asanas focused on strength rather than flexibility are important at this age. We are able to engage with relaxation and begin to identify what it is and how if feels within our bodies.
I'd love to hear about your experience of adult, baby, toddler.....any yoga! get in touch....