My Article In OM YOGA Magazine

Walking to Sainsburys today and Ren was desperate to go into WHSmiths..... I thought to my self 'Not sure what this is all about, but I could check if the November Issue of OM YOGA Mag is out'?.......Drop to the floor it was there on the shelf with my article as a cover feature!!!!WOW!!
Well Ren and I floated out of the shop and drifted around sainsbury's like 2 genies sat on a cloud (Ren genie scoffing grapes)!
I am just so excited and really overjoyed that the article was picked up by OM Yoga not only this but the fact that such a big brand as OM Yoga are taking Baby Yoga and motherhood seriously, so seriously that they have given space on the front cover and a 2 page spread inside to the topic of Baby Yoga!
So what is the article about?
It is based around The 8 Limbs Of Yoga and how they apply to baby yoga. You see Baby Yoga can be sooooooooo much more than a cute and nice Mother & Baby Class. It can truly enhance a mother/father & baby's bond, it can help you become the parent that you want to be and to find yourself in those crazy first months of life as a parent. Explore the 8 limbs and you WILL encounter the most amazing experience. Purchase the NOVEMBER issue of OM YOGA to find out more and to read the article.
What do I hope to achieve from this article?
My goal and ambition is to spread the word about Baby Yoga. I want to educate people about how beneficial and magical it can be!
Why does this mean so much to me?
Because it helped to save me and my son, I mean it! After a hullabaloo of an birth (Im not even going to go into it all) and issues after Rens birth I found I had a little Silent Refluxer.....well if only it had been that simple. I had to fight to be taken seriously, and I was almost delirious with sleep deprivation. I feared 6pm because that was always when my poor little baby started to feel the rumblings and would squiggle and stretch and cry in pain. BUT then I learnt Baby Yoga and 6pm wasn't so bad anymore, in fact I looked forward to our magical night time routine together. It wasn't a miracle cure (I have eliminated so many foods from our diet etc), but it helped me and Ren to relax, it helped to tame baby wind which always seems to make the reflux worse and it helped us to bond and find our natural flow together. It has lead to my parenting MOTO #lovenotcontrol which has just spread into all areas o f my life and has brought so much light.
Personally this article is a massive deal because...
I am dyslexic. I have had a pretty ruff time with it....over the years I have had teachers, lecturers and just generally ignorant people trying to bring me down, trying to stop me from achieving and trying to make me feel worthless. But I have also had angles helping me to rise above it all (thank you Mum & Dad). Having this article published, having my writing being taken seriously so that I can use it to spread an important message is just the greatest achievement. It is wonderful for Baby Yoga but also for everyone who has Dyslexia. It is such a positive reinforcement that Dyslexia does not mean dumb, it does not mean you can not write, be taken seriously or that you are worthless (all things I have been told by authoritative figures!) It just means that you are you.....we are all different and this is just one part of who you are! It is like if you are left handed...the world is geared towards right handed people but if you are left handed you just find ways to adapt and get around the difficulties. Today I opened up a beatiful, trustworthy and highly thought of magazine and my article was there with my name next to it!................Wow! Drop To The Floor WOW!
To find out further info about anything I have discussed in this blog post please just get in touch!